Buy Dash
Digital asset trading is gaining widespread acceptance as the interest of institutions, investors and corporations in cryptocurrencies grows. Cryptocurrencies, as financial instruments, are becoming more and more relevant every day. Cryptocurrency trading can be profitable both actively and passively depending on the moving prices in the markets.
What is Dash?
Dash (DASH) is a blockchain-based peer-to-peer cryptocurrency offering users faster and cheaper transactions than Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Formerly known as Xcoin and Darkcoin, Dash originated from the Bitcoin fork, a fork in the Bitcoin blockchain initiated by a group of Bitcoin miners with different views on certain network rules.
Darkcoin was originally designed to provide uncompromising privacy and anonymity for users, as described in a 2014 whitepaper. However, the following year, the project was redesigned with other features in mind and renamed "Dash", which is a mixture of the phrase "digital cash", or digital money.

The Dash coin is intended as a medium of exchange and has since shifted its focus towards faster and less expensive transactions while maintaining its strong encryption properties.
Dash cryptocurrency advantages:
- Low Fees - There are fees to send transactions on the Dash network, but they are much lower compared to fees charged by banks or paid when using credit cards. Even when sending instant transactions, the commission remains minimal.
- Instant transactions - this function has become possible thanks to the unique Instant Send technology, in which the confirmation of a transaction takes about 1.5 seconds. This gives Dash an advantage even over other cryptocurrencies, in which the confirmation of transactions takes a longer time.
- Anonymity and privacy of transactions - Dash is the first potentially anonymous cryptocurrency.
- Two-tier network - Dash cryptocurrency uses the Proof-of-Activity consensus algorithm, which implies the coexistence of miners (working with the PoW algorithm) and holders (working with the PoS algorithm). This allows for two levels of transaction verification, which is indicative of a more decentralized system.
- Users can participate in the development of the network - thanks to the presence of the DGBB, users can propose their own projects that can make the Dash network better. This feature is available to every user who has an account in the official wallet and owns at least 5 DASH.
- Enhanced Security - Through the use of the X11 encryption algorithm and the two-tier block creation system, Dash is more resistant to hacker attacks, as well as a 51% attack than other cryptocurrencies. In addition, this coin is open source, so changes made will be immediately visible to community members.
Dash cryptocurrency is a popular and promising coin, therefore it is of interest to many companies. At the moment the project is cooperating with the following projects: Alt36; KuvaCash; Saifu; Kripto Mobile; CoinFlip; CoinBR; Rewards; Payza. And Wirex is a very important cooperation for Dash, which will allow users to pay in more than 40 million online and offline stores where payments with VISA cards, DASH cryptocurrency are possible.
Where does Dash come from?
Dash Validators, or Masternodes, are full nodes with a minimum stake (or collateral) of 1,000 DASH coins that provide online services and generate income from their investments. Masternode services include private transactions (PrivateSend), instant transactions (InstantSend), and network management and treasury systems.

How does Dash work?
Dash uses a modification of the Proof of Stake algorithm known as X11. Proof of Stake is an alternative consensus mechanism for Proof of Work Bitcoin that replaces power-hungry cryptocurrency miners with validators that validate transactions based on how many tokens they hold and wager on the network. In addition to block validation, they also provide online payment and privacy services.
What makes Dash unique?
The key advantage of Dash cryptocurrency is instant transactions, reputation and developed infrastructure. The developers are constantly improving the cryptocurrency, so there is every chance of growth in the future.
Where to buy Dash in Pakistan?
If you are interested in buying Dash in Pakistan, then there are easy ways to do it! Try it and you will succeed!
You can buy Dash through one of the cryptocurrency exchanges by creating your account on a crypto wallet. In the modern world, exchanges are easy to use, have a large volume of purchases and sales, and offer various payment methods.
Another alternative way to buy Dash is through a CFD brokerage platform, which allows you to make money on any market movement and is suitable for speculation. That is, you do not buy the asset itself, you just make money from the price movement! This will allow you to buy or sell a certain number of cryptocurrency units, depending on the decrease or increase in its value, and thanks to the leverage.
How to start investing in Dash in Pakistan?
Most traders spend a lot of time making profit from their cryptocurrency trades. They carry out dozens of exchange operations and transactions every day. Yes, this can lead to huge profits, but it takes time to become a successful trader.

If you have decided to start investing in Dash in Pakistan, you should be aware of the basic principles of cryptocurrency trading. Based on this, there are several strategies.
- Buy and hold (Buy & Hold). This strategy is more about investing than trading. People buy assets and store them for long-term storage. Fans of this strategy try to predict prices for several months in advance and monitor the charts throughout this time. This strategy is based on fundamental analysis.
- Swing trading. This strategy assumes the use of correction when a trend is formed. That is, a trader needs to open a deal within a trend at the time of its correction. Swing trading implies the need to adjust to the trend.
- Day trading. The name of this strategy speaks for itself. In this case, we are talking about trading on the exchange within one trading session during the day. Positions opened on a specific day are not carried over to the next day or another session.
- Scalping. This is a high-speed trading with a lot of trades. The trader opens positions and closes them after 1-15 minutes. Ideally, each trade makes a small profit, but in the end, these small amounts form a large profit.
In order to successfully invest in Dash, a trader must monitor all political and economic news as they strongly influence the market. Only competent preparation can give you confidence in your work!
Seasoned traders argue that the easiest strategy for newbies looking to start investing in Dash is HODL, which means holding assets for a long period of time in the hope of future price increases.
This strategy is very simple as a trader doesn't need to know a lot in order to make a profit. The fact is that all cryptocurrencies become incredibly expensive over time. You need to buy a promising cryptocurrency and hold it for a certain number of months. The probability that the currency will rise in price is almost one hundred percent. You don't need to check prices often. On the contrary, it is recommended to stay away from the charts so as not to sell everything ahead of time.
However, this strategy is one of the least effective. There are no guarantees that every single cryptocurrency will rise in price over the years. However, trading is inextricably linked with statistics. And the statistics is that people who bought cryptocurrency at the beginning of 2018, when the market was in a bearish trend, now have a profit of 100-200%.

Also, a trader who wants to invest in Dash in Pakistan on a CFD trading platform should know that it is based on two classic strategies - long or short trades. A long position is opened when the price of an asset and a contract is expected to rise. In a short position, the trader predicts a fall in the value of the asset and sells. Subsequently, he can enter a long position in the expectation that the price will bounce and go up.
If all the conditions for investing in Dash are met, then this method will significantly reduce the risks and is suitable for novice traders.
By investing in Dash on a short position, there is a possibility of making a profit for a very limited period of time, which is why short-term strategies for working on the CFD trading platform are popular. Moreover, if the forecast is correct, then he will receive a profit in the same amount. A strategy is also possible in which contracts are both sold and bought. In this case, the assets should be as close as possible, the trend should be the same.
Should traders invest in Dash?
The development of Dash keeps pace with the times. So, back in the summer of 2020, the team presented an updated platform for launching dApps (decentralized applications), which, possibly, became another additional growth factor at the end of last year, since the DeFi sphere experienced a real boom.
Is Dash a good investment?
After the 2015 rebranding, Dash has become a popular altcoin for cryptocurrency investors and has consistently ranked in the Top 25 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.
Is it safe to invest in Dash online?
Dash is the first potentially anonymous cryptocurrency. “Potentially” because the privacy feature is optional, ie. the user can choose it using a technology called Private Send. It ensures that neither the wallet from which the transaction was sent nor the amount can be tracked.
How to buy Dash in Pakistan right now?
To buy Dash on the exchange you need to:
- Create an account and verify it.
- Top up your account using a bank card or account in a payment system.
- DASH can be exchanged for dollars or other fiat currencies using trade orders, or through the internal Exmo exchanger.
- You can replenish the balance by bank cards Visa or MasterCard, or using payment services AdvCash, Payeer, etc.
On a CFD brokerage trading platform, you must verify your identity before investing in Dash. The Dash cryptocurrency CFD is an agreement between a trader and a broker. At any time, a trader can close a position and return his contract to the broker. When trading CFDs, the trader does not own the Dash cryptocurrency itself. He only owns a contract, which indicates at what price he bought the coin. If his prediction turned out to be correct, he will receive an appropriate reward.

Being a trader is hard work, but very rewarding. It takes time and a lot of patience. The hardest part is getting started! On the other hand, this is also the easiest stage: not so much is needed to see the first results. We wish you a successful investment!