Buy Twitter shares in Pakistan
Twitter is a social network which is a microblogging network that allows users to send short text messages using SMS, instant messaging and third-party client software.
The social network Twitter has a large number of users, both in the US and elsewhere in the world. Its good revenue volume makes the issuer's stock attractive to many investors. Today, the Twitter service is actively used for political and commercial advertising as well as for the promotion of services both in the USA and in other countries of the world.
Twitter is owned by Twitter Inc. and is headquartered in San Francisco, California. Twitter Inc. also has servers and offices in San Antonio, Texas and Boston, Massachusetts.
Twitter's history began with a "one-day brainstorming session" organised by members of the San Francisco-based Odeo board of directors. Jack Dorsey, then an undergraduate student at New York University, came up with the idea that a person could communicate with a small group of people via short text messages. The service was originally called twttr. By the time work on the service began, was already occupied, only six months after the launch of the service, the twttr team bought the domain and changed the name to Twitter.
The project was launched on 21 March 2006, when Dorsey tweeted the first message at 9.50pm PST: 'just setting up my twttr'.
The company currently employs around 4,000 people and has more than 25 offices around the world. The number of users of this network is already more than 200 million people. At the same time, the annual profit of the company Twitter exceeds 1.5 billion.
As of the date of this writing, Twitter stock stood at $71.3, showing an increase of 157.31% over the year.
How you can invest in Twitter shares in Pakistan with a small start-up capital is discussed below.

How to invest in Twitter shares in Pakistan?
Twitter Inc.'s initial public offering was held in November 2013 on the New York Stock Exchange. According to analysts, Twitter's IPO is considered one of the most memorable on the market. The company's securities can currently be found on the NYSE under the ticker symbol TWTR.
Shares of the issuer are also traded on other exchanges, for example: Frankfurt, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Berlin, Munich, London and Hanover. However, no European stock exchange can provide the same daily trading volume as the NYSE.
To be able to invest in Twitter in Pakistan, you need to find a broker that operates online and collaborates with these exchanges.

You can easily find information about all available intermediary brokers in Pakistan that have access to the above stock exchanges online. Pay attention to the image of the brokerage firm, its length of existence and experience in the investment business, and expert reviews of its activities. Consider the online investment platform provided by this firm, what tools the platform offers for stock market analysis. Also find out about the broker's commission for the services provided.
You can invest in most companies to receive a dividend income when you invest a certain amount of money in a company and receive a guaranteed, predetermined amount of income. The amount of this payment is determined by the shareholders' meeting and can vary. Sometimes companies will pay out up to a third of the net profit to shareholders. Each company has its own policy on such payments.
A US company has not paid any dividends to its shareholders since its listing in the autumn of 2013. The reason for this is that all profits were used to develop the business. If the issuer starts paying dividends in the future, it will improve the outlook for the securities and cause its share price to rise over time.

Therefore, if we are talking about investing in Twitter, the most popular option is online trading, trading CFDs.
CFD trading is not only convenient, but also actively used by all participants in the stock market, allowing multiple trades in securities and services with a minimum of cash. The idea behind this type of investment is to buy shares at a lower price and sell them at a higher one. This type of investment can actually make an instant profit, as the value of a stock can jump in just a few minutes. However, the value of shares can fall just as quickly, so to invest in this way, an investor must have a good understanding of the stock market and constantly monitor changes in the market. Investing online requires an investor to keep abreast of any recent changes that may affect the value of a stock. Factors that affect the price of a company's shares are changes in the market environment, political and economic processes in the country and in the world, man-made situations and the financial condition of the company.
CFD trading, although it can bring immediate profits or profit in the near future, is at the same time the most risky method. This method of investing requires the investor to constantly "keep their hand on the pulse" and therefore such investing cannot be called a passive income option.

How to buy Twitter shares in Pakistan?
Once you have chosen the right broker, register in its online investment platform. To do this, simply go to the main page of the platform, enter your username, e-mail address and come up with a password in the registration form. After a standard registration confirmation via email, your account is ready to use.

Open a demo account. A demo account is an account that you can use to conduct test operations on the platform to get a feel for how it works. Using a demo account is necessary when you do not have enough knowledge and experience for investing. The account is completely free and open-ended, and the dummy account has more than enough money in the amount of $10,000 to practice investing without any real risks. In addition, with full use of the dummy amount, you can restore it as many times as you like, until you feel confident enough to fund the real account with real funds.
Study the platform and all available tools well in advance of funding your real account.

You only have to deposit $10 into your live account to activate it.
You can deposit your account almost instantly using the payment systems listed on the "Deposit" tab. Choose the one that is most convenient for you and replenish your account. Most users choose recharging with a bank card. When using payment systems, the replenishment time may sometimes take up to five working days.
You can withdraw funds from your account using the same methods that were used to make the deposit. But when withdrawing funds, you will have to go through additional verification on the platform for security purposes. Each platform will provide a list of documents that need to be scanned for this verification. Modern high security platforms may require access to a video camera on your gadget and video verification.

How to start investing in Twitter shares in Pakistan?
To get started, you need to choose a good broker.
To choose a good broker, pay attention to the following things: Whether the broker has a licence from reputed regulatory authorities that entitles it to engage in brokerage activities; Availability of a professional website with all the necessary information, availability of feedback for consultation, available trading conditions with a wide range of trading instruments; availability of technical indicators to analyse stock price fluctuations; access to free training materials; speed of order execution; low service fees; availability of various withdrawal options.
After choosing a broker and registering with the online trading platform, open a demo account and get some trial trading experience. Don't neglect a demo account, as it's a really good opportunity to try your hand at trading without risking your funds.
Pay attention to all the tutorials, both on and off the platform. Nowadays, any information you are interested in can easily be found on the internet. Don't be lazy to study the stock market non-stop. This will help you quickly understand the laws of the investment market and develop your own trading strategy.
Learn to analyze how certain factors, be it a man-made disaster or the passage of a new law, affect price fluctuations in the market.
Follow the news. The world does not know successful investors who are ignorant of politics and the latest economic news of the country and the planet as a whole.
Persistence in learning, deliberate and cautious steps, willingness to analyse and pay attention will help you gain the necessary experience to become a successful investor.
Today, more and more companies of all sizes are turning to social media marketing strategies, using both Twitter and other platforms to create successful campaigns to increase sales, build brand awareness and improve customer service.

This has the potential to attract new advertisers and increase revenues and profits. There is a chance that the new video advertising will allow the issuer to increase advertising revenues by 30% or even 35% over the next few years.
The future is all about innovation and online resources, so social media is a pretty promising option for possible investment.
Try it and you will succeed!